Competitor Website Review
Being good isn’t enough. You have to be better.
And online, it’s easy to compare. A couple of clicks take your prospects from your site to your competitors. Who will they decide to call?
Has your website got what it takes to compete?
Find out with a competitive website review.
We’ll assess your site and three others you choose, to see how they stack up for:

Design: Because first impressions count! What messages is your site giving?

Ease of use: Can visitors find what they want? Is anything clunky, slow or just plain not working?

Conversion: Does your entire site encourage enquiries, or is your contact page left to struggle alone?

Content: How much do you have? Is it relevant? High quality? In the right formats?

SEO performance: Will people looking for your services even find your site in the first place?

Trust factors: Social proof and reasons to believe in the company behind the site
Practical recommendations and next steps to improve your site
So you can take the best of every site and move into first place

“Thank you Bridget and NoBull Marketing for the insightful review you did of my website – I have implemented several of the key ideas and definitely see an improvement.”
Artemiss Keyhani | Business Clarity Coach | ArtemissK
We compare your site and three competitor sites for a fee of $500 plus GST, payable in advance.
Save time, money and tears on website redesign projects
When you know what you want on your new website, the project runs much more smoothly. The recommendations from your review will help you create a clear, comprehensive brief for any changes you decide to implement.
And since we’re not pitching for your web design project, you can be confident there’s no ulterior motives in what we suggest!
How do you choose which sites to compare?
We don’t – you do! You know your business far better than we do. You know which businesses are your biggest threats. So you tell us and we invest our time where it matters to you.
What if I want to review more than 3 competitors?
That’s OK. We can review more sites, but we will charge an extra $100 plus GST for each extra site. Just let us know when you order your review.
And we don’t recommend reviewing more than 5 competitor sites. You’re unlikely to get significantly more insight after that point.
How long will my competitive review take?
Reviews generally take between 3 and 5 business days. We email the review to you.
What if I have questions about the final review?
We’re happy to go over any aspect of the review once you’ve had a chance to read it. This can happen via phone, Zoom or a face-to-face depending on your location. There is no additional charge.