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Working with a copywriter – tips for gain without pain!

Working with a copywriter – tips for gain without pain!

Many of my clients are small business owners, who haven't dealt with a lot of marketing agencies. Many have no experience writing a marketing brief, let alone working with a copywriter. If you're in the same boat, this post is for you! Working with a copywriter...

How to do outreach email wrong

How to do outreach email wrong

Like every business which publishes an email address online, I get unsolicited emails. Some of these are out-and-out spam; others could be considered cold email outreach. B2B email outreach is a valid marketing tactic - as long as you're careful to stick to the law...

Customer retention ideas – email newsletters and more

Customer retention ideas – email newsletters and more

We all know it's far more expensive to attract a new client than to keep an existing one. But all too often, we chase after bright, shiny, new clients instead of focusing on customer retention. Not only do you lose clients when you don't look after them, you also miss...

Why I’m doing the Mary’s House Walk this October

Why I’m doing the Mary’s House Walk this October

Today it’s time to post something which is not about me, my business, or copywriting. It’s not even about marketing, or business. It’s about the Mary’s House Walk, which I’ll be doing in October. Mary’s House is a non-profit which supports women and their children to...

Miscommunication – Real Life Examples

Miscommunication – Real Life Examples

Here's one of my favourite quotations about communication. Or miscommunication, if you look at it another way. ‘The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.’H George Bernard Shaw said that, way back before the time of email, SMS...

How long should your emails be?

How long should your emails be?

Have you ever wondered how long your marketing emails should be? It wasn't something I'd thought about.  My gut feeling is that emails, like blogs, should be as long as you need for the message you want to communicate. But quite by chance I found an article on the...

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Judy Hogarth, KLH Conveyancing

"I never thought I had in me to create a blog. Working with you, you make it easy."

Judy Hogarth | Licensed Conveyancer | KLH Conveyancing

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Carlingford, NSW 2118
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