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Home » Resources

These resources will help you get to grips with different aspects of marketing.

If you want to do better marketing yourself,  these resources are just for you. Try them. They should help! If they don’t, tell us!

If you want to outsource your marketing entirely, these resources can help you understand and manage your marketing provider better. Whether you opt for NoBull or someone else, make sure you know what your provider is talking about –  make sure you get value for your money!

If you’ve still got questions, why not book in a complimentary chat? We aim to give insight and direction whether you’re ready to engage us or not.


Website Copywriting Mistakes Guide

Give your website copy a health check. 8 issues to check for, plus practical steps to fix any failings you find.

Get the website copywriting mistakes guide

Website Briefing Template feature

Website Briefing Template

Make sure you know what you want from your new website before you talk to a website developer or designer!

  • Framework to clarify expectations and make sure you don’t miss anything
  • Clear scope for your website project
  • Easier to compare quotes from different companies

Get the website briefing template

Website Briefing Template feature

Content Promotion Checklist

Good content is a powerful marketing tool, but only if people find it in the first place! Use this content promotion checklist to make sure they do.

Get the content promotion checklist


Persona Toolkit

If you think your ideal customer is ‘everyone’, you’re wrong!
Get a clear picture of who you should be marketing to, and use it for everything from blogs to newsletters to letterbox flyers.

The kit includes:

  • persona-building questions for B2B and B2C
  • example persona
  • blank persona template for your own ideal client.
    (If you have more than one persona, just duplicate.)

Get the persona toolkit

sample image of who should you marketing to

Power Words Masterlist


Use these words in your web copy, blogs, email subject lines and social media posts to grab attention.

1638 power words, compiled from the top 10 lists on the web, so you don’t have to do all that work

Get your power words powerlist today

image of horses running just like turbo-charging your marketing power words

DIY Website Assessment

There are 7 main ways service websites fall down when it comes to lead generation. We’ve covered them in this infographic, but this tool goes a step further.

Answer 23 simple questions about your site and your business and the tool will auto-magically highlight the areas you need to work on first. Get results faster by doing what matters most.

Get started on fixing your website

image of sample report for DIY website assessment

Topic-Specific Resource Pages


Each page gives a beginner’s overview of the topic with links to other pages, websites and resources for that area of marketing.

Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Marketing (Google Ads / Facebook Ads etc)

What Our Clients Say


“I never thought I had in me to create a blog. Working with you, you make it so easy.”


Judy Hogarth, KLH Conveyancing

"I never thought I had in me to create a blog. Working with you, you make it easy."

Judy Hogarth | Licensed Conveyancer | KLH Conveyancing

Contact NoBull Marketing

35 Dryden Avenue
Carlingford, NSW 2118
Mobile: 0439 033 362

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